1. Introduction

When cooling glassforming liquids sufficiently fast to avoid crystallization, first below the melting temperature a so-called supercooled liquid is formed, before the material finally becomes a glass below the glass-transition temperature. Glasses are solid, but they lack the periodicity of the crystalline lattice. Although the technology of vitrification is well known since archeological times and although many materials in technology and nature are glasses, the microscopic mechanisms that underly the glass transition are still far from being understood. The solidification at the glass-transition temperature Tg occurs smoothly, i.e. without an abrupt jump of the viscosity as found for crystallization. At the glass transition, most physical quantities reveal a crossover to weaker temperature dependence. This is also the case for the volume, leading to a jump of the thermal expansion α, one of the most paradigmatic characteristics of the glass transition:

volume vs. T Volume vs. temperature around the glass transition.

[from: P. Lunkenheimer, A. Loidl, B. Riechers, A. Zaccone, and K. Samwer, Thermal expansion and the glass transition, Nature Phys. 2023]. [PDF]

Most of our investigations of glassforming liquids use dielectric spectroscopy. It is ideally suited to investigate the huge change of the molecular dynamics at the glass transisiton. Experimental advances allow for the collection of dielectric spectra over an extremely wide frequency range of more than 18 decades. Those spectra reveal a rich variety of different dynamic processes that are present in glass-forming liquids as schematically shown in the following figure. Typically, two cases can be distinguished, depending on the occurrence of an excess wing or a β relaxation, as shown in both frames of the following figure.

schematic spectra Frequency dependence of the dielectric loss at a temperature close to the glass transition (a) in a prototypical glass former with an excess wing and (b) in a glass former with a canonical Johari-Goldstein β relaxation ('slow β').

[from: P. Lunkenheimer and A. Loidl, in The scaling of relaxation processes, edited by F. Kremer and A. Loidl (Springer, Cham, 2018), p. 23].

2. Research Foci:

3. Some relevant publications from our group:

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