Geogebra-Giac-FeliX V4 (euclidean coordinates)

Please wait till the applet is fully loaded and two preset points appear! Further instructions are given below.
This page shows how to realize some basic ideas of FeliX within Geogebra.
Smooth Solve by optimizing

The text field can be filled with equations or inequations in the coordinates of all points in the construction. If there is a point A then its coordinates are denoted by Ax and Ay. Several equations can be combined by using ;.
Segment names can be used to denote their length. Appending ang to the the name of a segment gives the angles in radians with respect to the x-axis. For circles the name denotes the radius.
An expressions can be minimized by enclosing them in mini(expr).
See examples below.
Ideas for things to try:
Some notes and caveats:
Creator: Reinhard Oldenburg
Thnaks to: Zoltán Kovács for help with Geogebra, Bernard Parisse and Luka Marohnic for help with giac.