Annalen der Physik

Table of Contents - Volume 523 [= Volume 20, 8th series] (2011), Issue 6

Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 523 (2011) [5] (DOI: 10.1002/andp.201152316) (2 pp.)


Ulrich Eckern, Augsburg, and Guido W. Fuchs, Berlin

Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 523 (2011) [6] (DOI: 10.1002/andp.201100081) (11 pp.)

Editor's Choice
High precision thermal modeling of complex systems with application to the flyby and Pioneer anomaly

Benny Rievers and Claus Lämmerzahl

Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM), Am Fallturm, 28359 Bremen,
Germany; benny.rievers (at), claus.laemmerzahl (at)
Received 20 Apr 2011, accepted 21 Apr 2011 by F. W. Hehl

Comment by F. W. Hehl:
PIONEER ANOMALY EXPLAINED? In the 1970s, the spacecrafts Pioneer 10 and 11 were launched for the exploration of the outer solar system. Ever since J. C. Anderson (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, USA) et al. in 1998 reported on a mysterious small acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11 of about 10-9 m/s2 toward the Sun, attempts were made to explain this "anomaly". Was it "new physics" (modified general relativity, vacuum fluctuations, dark energy, etc.) or simply an effect overlooked in the analyses of the experiments? You will find the answer in this remarkable paper of B. Rievers and C. Lämmerzahl (ZARM, Bremen, Germany).

Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 523 (2011) [6] (DOI: 10.1002/andp.201000148) (29 pp.)

Stochastic rocket dynamics under random nozzle side loads: Ornstein-Uhlenbeck boundary layer separation
and its coarse grained connection to side loading and rocket response

R. G. Keanini, N. Srivastava, P. T. Tkacik, D. C. Weggel, and P. D. Knight

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC 28223, USA / Mitchell Aerospace and Engineering, Statesville, NC 28677, USA; rkeanini (at)
Received 6 Nov 2010, accepted 29 Mar 2011 by U. Eckern

Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 523 (2011) [6] (DOI: 10.1002/andp.201100030) (9 pp.)

Energy and momentum of a spherically symmetric dilaton frame as regularized by teleparallel gravity

Gamal G. L. Nashed

Centre for Theoretical Physics, The British University in Egypt, El-Sherouk City,
Misr-Ismalia Desert Road, Postal No. 11837, P.O. Box 43, Egypt; nashed (at)
Received 13 Feb 2011, revised 14 Apr 2011, accepted 18 Apr 2011 by F. W. Hehl

Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 523 (2011) [6] (DOI: 10.1002/andp.201111467) (12 pp.)

Historical Article
Einstein's 'Zürich Notebook' and his journey to general relativity

N. Straumann

norbert.straumann (at)
Received 28 Feb 2011, accepted 3 Apr 2011 by F. W. Hehl

100 years ago

(DOI: 10.1002/andp.201190006) (4 pp.)

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