Annalen der Physik

Table of Contents - Volume 10, Issue No. 8 (2001)

Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 10 (2001) [8] 623-706

Quantum diffusion and scaling of localized interacting electrons

Ole Halfpap

Universität Hamburg, 1. Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Jungiusstr. 9, D-20355 Hamburg; halfpap(at)

Received 11 November 2000, accepted 1 January 2001 by B. Kramer

Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 10 (2001) [8] 707-712

Universal relationship of time and frequency in photonic tunnelling

A. Haibel and G. Nimtz

II. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, D-50923 Köln; G.Nimtz(at)Uni-Koeln.DE

Received 17 January 2001, revised 23 January 2001, accepted 24 January 2001 by F. W. Hehl

Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 10 (2001) [8] 713-727

Geometric classification of the torsion tensor of space-time

S. Capozziello, G. Lambiase, and C. Stornaiolo

Salerno/Naples; capozziello(at)

Received 15 October 1999, revised 9 January 2001, accepted 9 January 2001 by F. W. Hehl (approx. 18)

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