Annalen der Physik

Table of Contents - Volume 8, Issue No. 4 (1999)

Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 8 (1999) 261-300

Potentials in low dimensional and semi-infinite crystals

Frank Mertins

MPI PKS, Nöthnitzer Str., D-01187 Dresden
E-mail: frank.mertins(at)

Received 15 September 1998, revised 6 November 1998, accepted 23 November 1998 by B. Kramer

Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 8 (1999) 301-317

Chiral Supergravity and Anomalies

E. W. Mielke and A. Macias

Departamento de Fisica, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, P.O. Box 55-534, 09340 Mexico D.F., Mexico
E-mail: ekke(at),

Received 5 November 1998, revised 2 February 1999, accepted 22 February 1999 by F. W. Hehl

Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 8 (1999) 319-329

Consistent field equations for higher spin on curved spacetimes

R. Ilge and R. Schimming

E-mail: schimmin(at)

Received 17 December 1998, accepted 1 March 1999 by K. Fredenhagen

Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 8 (1999) 331-354

Hamilton formalism and variational principle construction

B. Nyiri and P. Van

Technical University of Budapest, Department of Chemical Physics, H-1521 Budapest, Hungary

Received 13 October 1998, accepted 3 March 1999 by K. Fredenhagen

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