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Case Studies

[Möller 95]
B, Möller, Calculating a Bounded Buffer, Document 734 HKO-7 of IFIP WG2.1, Hong Kong, Jan. 1995. Full paper forthcoming

This study was presented by B. Möller at the 47th Meeting of IFIP WG 2.1 Algorithmic Languages and Calculi, Hong Kong, January 1995. It is part of an attempt at deductive design of an asynchronous bounded hardware queue.

The mathematical basis is the framework of ideal streams. A number of distributivity and monotonicity properties for the operators involved are proved. They are the basis for correct refinement of the specification into an implementation.

As predicative specification of a buffer of capacity n we use that in all finite prefixes of allowable streams the number of inputs may exceed the number of outputs by at most n. By the well-known decomposition property (which has a very simple algebraic proof here) one can decompose any buffer into a parallel composition of buffers of capacity 1. For this case a simple unfold/fold transformation and use of Arden's rule yield the behaviour , where a and b are the actions of input and output, respectively. The approach is simpler and more algebraic than the one in [Olderog 91]. The study is concluded by a specification and calculation of a bounded queue which is specified as a bounded buffer which preserves order and multiplicity of the values in the input.

Bernhard Moeller
Fri May 12 14:21:20 MET DST 1995