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J. Kübler,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 15-18, 859 (1980).
J. Kübler,
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J. Kübler,
Spin-Density Functional Calculations for Chromium,
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K. Schwarz and D. R. Salahub,
Band theory for the magnetic moment in the BCC Fe-Co alloy,
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J. Kübler, A. R. Williams and C. B. Sommers,
Formation and coupling of magnetic moments in Heusler alloys,
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A. R. Williams, V. L. Moruzzi, C. D. Gelatt, jr., J. Kübler,
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R. A. de Groot, F. M. Mueller, P. C. van Engen and K. H. J. Buschow,
New Class of Materials: Half-Metallic Ferromagnets,
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J. Kübler,
First Principle Theory of Metallic Magnetism,
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K. Schwarz, P. Mohn, P. Blaha and J. Kübler,
Electronic and magnetic structure of bcc Fe-Co alloys from band
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K. Schwarz and P. Mohn,
Itinerant metamagnetism in YCo2,
J. Phys. F 14, L129 (1984).
J. Kübler,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 45, 415 (1984).
J. Sticht and J. Kübler,
Electronic Structure of Ferromagnetic Gd,
Solid State Commun. 53, 529-532 (1985).
J. Sticht and J. Kübler,
Spin and Orbital Moments in UPt3,
Solid State Commun. 54, 89 (1985).
B. E. Larson, K. C. Hass, H. Ehrenreich and A. E. Carlsson,
Exchange Mechanisms in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors,
Solid State Commun. 56, 347-350 (1985).
P. Mohn and K. Schwarz,
Binding mechanism and itinerant magnetism of ZrFe2 and
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J. Kübler and A. R. Williams,
Itinerant Theory of Localized Magnetism,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 54-57, 603-606 (1986).
T. Dumelow, P. C. Riedi, P. Mohn, K. Schwarz and Y. Yamada,
Pressure dependence of the hyperfine fields of YFe2 and
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V. L. Moruzzi, P. M. Marcus, K. Schwarz and P. Mohn,
Total energy surfaces in the M-V plane for bcc and fcc cobalt,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 54-57, ??? (1986).
P. Mohn and K. Schwarz,
Magnetic and electronic properties of CuRh alloys,
Solid State Commun. 57, 103 (1986).
V. L. Moruzzi, P. M. Marcus, K. Schwarz and P. Mohn,
Ferromagnetic phases of bcc and fcc Fe, Co, and Ni,
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K. E. H. M. Hanssen and P. E. Mijnarends,
Positron-annihilation study of the half-metallic ferromagnet
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J. G. M. Armitage, T. Dumelow, R. H. Mitchell, P. C. Riedi, P. Mohn and
K. Schwarz,
The pressure dependence of the magnetisation of YFe2 and
ZrFe2, computation and experiment,
J. Phys. F 16, L141 (1986).
K. Schwarz,
CrO2 predicted as a half-metallic ferromagnet,
J. Phys. F 16, L211-L215 (1986).
W. Borgiel, G. Borstel and W. Nolting,
Temperature dependence of the electronic quasiparticle structure of
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W. Nolting, G. Borstel and W. Borgiel,
Dynamical corrections to density-functional theory for quasiparticles
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G. Borstel, W. Borgiel and W. Nolting,
Quasiparticle band structure of ferromagnetic EuS,
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J. Kübler, K.-H. Höck, J. Sticht and A. R. Williams,
Density Functional Theory of Non-collinear Magnetism,
J. Phys. F 18, 469-483 (1988).
J. Kübler, K.-H. Höck, J. Sticht and A. R. Williams,
Local Spin Density Funktional Theory of Noncollinear Magnetism,
J. Appl. Phys. 63, 3482-3486 (1988).
S. Matar, P. Mohn, G. Demazeau and B. Siberchicot,
The calculated electronic and magnetic structures of Fe4N
and Mn4N,
J. Phys. France 49, 1761-1768 (1988).
P. Mohn, S. Matar, G. Demazeau and E.P. Wohlfarth,
The magnetic and electronic properties of Fe4N and
J. Phys. France, Colloque C8, Suppl. N 12 95 (1988).
P. Mohn,
The calculated electronic and magnetic properties of the tetragonal
transition metal semiborides,
J. Phys. C 21, 2841 (1988).
V. Eyert, J. Sticht and J. Kübler,
Itinerant magnetism in K2NiF4-type
Helv. Phys. Acta 61, 496-504 (1988).
J. Kübler, V. Eyert and J. Sticht,
Itinerant magnetism in K2NiF4-type
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B. E. Larson, K. C. Hass, H. Ehrenreich and A. E. Carlsson,
Theory of exchange interactions and chemical trends in diluted magnetic
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W. Nolting, W. Borgiel and G. Borstel,
Coulomb correlation effects in the quasiparticle band structure of
ferromagnetic rare-earth insulators,
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V. L. Moruzzi, P. M. Marcus and P. C. Pattnaik,
Magnetic transitions in bcc vanadium, chromium, manganese, and
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V. L. Moruzzi and P. M. Marcus,
Magnetism in bcc 3d transition metals: Onset and approach to the
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V. L. Moruzzi and P. M. Marcus,
Magnetism in bcc 3d transition metals,
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V. L. Moruzzi and P. M. Marcus,
Magnetism in fcc rhodium and palladium,
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V. L. Moruzzi, P. M. Marcus and J. Kübler,
Magnetovolume instabilities and ferromagnetism versus antiferromagnetism
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R. Coehoorn,
Calculated electronic structure and magnetic properties of Y-Fe
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J. Dijkstra, C. F. van Bruggen, C. Haas and R. A. de Groot,
Electronic structure of the half-metallic ferromagnet
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J. Kübler,
Metastable magnetic groundstate of hcp-Fe,
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J. Dijkstra, P. J. Zijlema, C. F. van Bruggen, C. Haas and
R. A. de Groot,
Band-structure calculations of Fe1/3TaS2 and
Mn1/3TaS2, and transport and magnetic properties
of Fe0.28TaS2,
J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 1, 6363-6379 (1989).
J. Sticht, K.-H. Höck and J. Kübler,
Non-collinear itinerant magnetism: the case of Mn3Sn,
J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 1, 8155-8170 (1989).
J. Kübler,
Band structure calculations for magnetic and superconducting
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H. Duschanek, P. Mohn and K. Schwarz,
Antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic - manganese; generalisation of the
fixed spin moment method,
Physica B 161, 139 (1989).
P. Mohn, K. Schwarz and D. Wagner,
Magnetovolume effects in Fe-Ni Invar: a first principles theory,
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V. L. Moruzzi,
High-spin and low-spin states in Invar and related alloys,
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R. Coehoorn,
Electronic structure and magnetism of transition-metal-stabilized
YFe12-xMx intermetallic compounds,
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V. L. Moruzzi and P. M. Marcus,
Magnetovolume transition in ordered Ni3Al,
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V. L. Moruzzi and P. M. Marcus,
Antiferromagnetism in 3d transition metals,
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V. L. Moruzzi and P. M. Marcus,
Antiferromagnetism in 4d transition metals,
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G. E. Grechnev, J. Kübler and I. V. Svechkarev,
Itinerant Magnetism and Electronic Properties of
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R. A. de Groot,
Half-metallic magnetism in the 1990s,
Physica B 172, 45-50 (1991).
H. Köhler, J. Sticht and J. Kübler,
Spin-Waves and Heisenberg-Exchange Constants for α-Iron,
Physica B 172, 79-84 (1991).
R. Coehoorn,
First principles band structure calculations for rare earth-transition
metal compounds: magnetization, hyperfine parameters and
magnetocrystalline anisotropy,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 99, 55-70 (1991).
C. Ambrosch-Draxl and K. Schwarz,
Local-spin-density calculations of antiferromagnetic
YBa2Cu3O6 and
Solid State Commun. 77, 45-48 (1991).
S. Matar, P. Mohn, G. Demazeau and K. Schwarz,
The electronic and magnetic properties of nickel iron nitride
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 101, 251-252 (1991).
B. Siberchicot and S. Matar,
Lattice spacing dependence of the magnetisation of the nitride
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 101, 419-420 (1991).
P. M. Oppeneer, J. Sticht and F. Herman,
Theory of the magneto-optical properties of transition metals and
rare-earth compounds,
J. Magn. Soc. Jpn. 15 (S1), 73-78 (1991).
F. Herman, J. Sticht and M. van Schilfgaarde,
Spin-polarized band structure of magnetically coupled multilayers,
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V. L. Moruzzi and P. M. Marcus,
Magnetic and metal-insulator transitions in metallic hydrogen,
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P. Mohn, K. Schwarz and D. Wagner,
Magnetoelastic anomalies in Fe-Ni Invar alloys,
Phys. Rev. B 43, 3318-3324 (1991).
S. Matar, P. Mohn and G. Demazeau,
Pressure dependence of the magnetisation of NiFe3N,
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R. Coehoorn,
Period of oscillatory exchange interactions in Co/Cu and Fe/Cu
multilayer systems,
Phys. Rev. B 44, 9331-9337 (1991).
S. Matar, G. Demazeau, J. Sticht, V. Eyert and J. Kübler,
Etude de la structure électronique et magnétique de
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J. Phys. I France 4, 1259 (1994).
F. Herman, J. Sticht and M. van Schilfgaarde,
Long and short range oscillatory exchange coupling in Fe/Cu and
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Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 231, 195-202 (1992).
S. Matar,
The magnetic properties of interstitial iron nitride:
Z. Physik B 87, 91-96 (1992).
J. Sticht and J. Kübler,
Calculated electronic and magnetic structure of
UNi2Al3 and
Z. Physik B 87, 299-304 (1992).
M. Penicaud, B. Siberchicot, C.B. Sommers and J. Kübler,
Calculated Electronic Band Structure and Magnetic Moments of
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M. Uhl, L. M. Sandratskii and J. Kübler,
Electronic and magnetic states of γ-Fe,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 103, 314-324 (1992).
P. Mohn and K. Schwarz,
Spin fluctuations in the strongly enhanced Pauli paramagnets
YCo2 and Pd,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 104-107, 685 (1992).
T. Maurer, J. Sticht, P. M. Oppeneer, F. Herman and J. Kübler,
Theory of the magneto-optical Kerr effect of Fe, Ni and some Fe-based
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 104-107, 1029 (1992).
S. Matar, P. Mohn and J. Kübler,
Magnetovolume effects in platinum iron nitride
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 104-107, 1927-1928 (1992).
S. Matar, B. Siberchicot, M. Penicaud and G. Demazeau,
The electronic and magnetic properties of Fe3N,
J. Phys. I France 2, 1819-1831 (1992).
V. L. Moruzzi and P. M. Marcus,
Total energies and magnetic moments in Fe, V, and ordered FeV,
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P. Mohn, K Schwarz, S. Matar and G. Demazeau,
Calculated electronic and magnetic structure of the nitrides
NiFe3N and
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J. H. Wijngaard, C. Haas and R. A. de Groot,
Ferrimagnetic-antiferromagnetic phase transition in
Mn2-xCrxSb: Electronic structure and electrical
and magnetic properties,
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P. M. Oppeneer, T. Maurer, J. Sticht and J. Kübler,
Ab initio Calculated Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect of Ferromagnetic
Metals: Fe and Ni,
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V. L. Moruzzi and P. M. Marcus,
Antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic transition in FeRh,
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V. L. Moruzzi and P. M. Marcus,
Antiferromagnetic ground state of bcc chromium,
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P.M. Oppeneer, J. Sticht, T. Maurer and J. Kübler,
Ab initio investigation of microscopic enhancement factors in tuning
the magneto-optic Kerr effect,
Z. Physik B 88, 309-315 (1992).
L. M. Sandratskii and J. Kübler,
Static non-uniform magnetic susceptibility of selected transition
J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 4, 6927-6942 (1992).
L. M. Sandratskii, J. Kübler and E. Kisker,
Temperature variation of the electron density of states in bcc
Solid State Commun. 83, 559-562 (1992).
N. Vast, B. Siberchicot and P. G. Zerah,
First-principle calculation of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy
energy of the pnictide MnSb,
J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 4, 10469-10478 (1992).
C. Hellwig, K. Girgis, R. Coehoorn, K. H. J. Buschow, P. Fischer and
J. Schefer,
Crystal and magnetic structure of the permanent magnetic material
J. Alloys Comp. 184, 161-173 (1992).
D. Andriamandroso, S. Matar, G. Demazeau and L. Fournes,
Morphological and magnetic properties of Ru, Os and Ir-substituted
I.E.E.E. Trans. Magn. 29, 2 (1993).
H. Braendle, D. Weller, J. C. Scott, J. Sticht, P. M. Oppeneer and
G. Güntherodt,
Electronic structure of CrO2: New Experiments and
in: Physics of Transition Metals,
edited by P. M. Oppeneer and J. Kübler
(World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 1993), pp. 345-348.
F. Herman, M. van Schilfgaarde and J. Sticht,
Theories of long range oscillatory exchange coupling in magnetic
in: Physics of Transition Metals,
edited by P. M. Oppeneer and J. Kübler
(World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 1993), pp. 425-433.
S. Matar, L. Fournes, S. Cherubin-Jeannette and G. Demazeau,
Electronic and magnetic properties of Co-substituted
Eur. J. Solid State Inorg. Chem. 30, 871 (1993).
S. Matar and P. Mohn,
Electronic and magnetic properties of
Fe2N and FeN
; trends of the magnetism of the Fe-N system,
Active and Passive Electronic Components 15, 89 (1993).
L. M. Sandratskii, J. Kübler,
Local magnetic moments in bcc Co,
Phys. Rev. B 47, 5854-5860 (1993).
V. L. Moruzzi and P. M. Marcus,
Magnetic structure of ordered FeAl and FeV,
Phys. Rev. B 47, 7878-7884 (1993).
P. Entel, E. Hoffmann, P. Mohn, K. Schwarz and V. L. Moruzzi,
First-principles calculations of the instability leading to the
Invar effect,
Phys. Rev. B 47, 8706-8720 (1993).
L. M. Sandratskii, J. Kübler,
Local magnetic moments of conduction electrons in Gadolinium,
Europhys. Lett. 23, 661-666 (1993).
J. Sticht, F. Herman and J. Kübler,
Ab-initio band structure calculations for magnetic multilayers,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 7, 456-459 (1993).
P. Mohn and K. Schwarz,
Itinerant magnetism in solids,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 7, 579-584 (1993).
V.L. Sliwko, P. Blaha, P. Mohn and K. Schwarz,
Magnetic phases of body centered cubic manganese,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 7, 614-617 (1993).
S. Matar, J. Teichmann and P. Mohn,
Magnetovolume effects in Fe3Pt,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 7, 691-694 (1993).
B. Siberchicot, N. Vast and S. Matar,
Band structure calculation of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy
of Fe3N,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 7, 741-744 (1993).
M. Uhl, L. M. Sandratskii and J. Kübler,
Itinerant-electron antiferromagnetism in ThMn2,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 7, 1027-1030 (1993).
D. Weller, J. Sticht, G. R. Harp, R. F. C. Farrow, R. F. Marks and
H. Braendle,
Magneto-optical spectra of CoPt3: Experiments and first
principle calculations,
Magnetic Ultrathin Films: Multilayers and Surfaces, Interfaces and Characterization,
edited by B. T. Jonker, S. A. Chambers, R. F. C. Farrow, C. Chappert,
R. Clarke, W. J. M. de Jonge, T. Egami, P. Grünberg, K. M. Krishnan,
E. E. Marinero, C. Rau, and S. Tsnunashima,
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 313, 501 (1993).
V. Eyert and K.-H. Höck,
Electronic structure, itinerant magnetism and orbital ordering in
K2NiF4-type compounds,
J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 5, 2987-3002 (1993).
J. Kübler, M. Uhl and L. M. Sandratskii,
Itinerant electron antiferromagnetism in ThMn2,
Physica B 186, 863 (1993).
B. Siberchicot,
Electronic and magnetic properties of copper-containing chromium
sulfospinel: a first-principles study,
I.E.E.E. Trans. Magn. 29, 3249-3251 (1993).
P. Mohn, E. Supanetz and K. Schwarz,
Electronic structure and spin fluctuations in the fcc Fe-Pd
Australian J. Phys. 46, 651 (1993).
W. Borgiel and J. Deniszczyk,
Scalar relativistic spin polarized electronic structure of ferromagnetic
fcc GdAl2,
Acta Phys. Polon. A 84, 1071-1083 (1993).
I. Osterloh, P. M. Oppeneer, J. Sticht and J. Kübler,
A theoretical study of the magneto-optical Kerr effect in
FeX (X = Co, Ni, Pd, Pt),
J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 6, 285-292 (1994).
J. S. Lord, J. G. M. Armitage, P. C. Riedi, S. F. Matar and G. Demazeau,
The volume dependence of the magnetization and NMR of Fe4N and
J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 6, 1779-1790 (1994).
S. Matar, V. Eyert, J. Sticht, J. Kübler and G. Demazeau,
Band theoretical investigation of substituted CrO2 within the
local density approximation,
J. Phys. I France 4, 1199-1215 (1994).
S. Matar, G. Demazeau, P. Mohn, V. Eyert and S. Najm,
Band theoretical investigation of the magnetic structure of the
perovskite system SrFeO3,
Eur. J. Solid State Inorg. Chem. 31, 615-629 (1994).
D. Weller, G. R. Harp, R. F. C. Farrow, A. Cebollada and J. Sticht,
Orientation dependence of the polar Kerr effect in fcc and hcp
Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 2097-2100 (1994).
D. Stoeffler, K. Ounadjela, J. Sticht and F. Gautier,
Magnetic polarization of the Pd spacer and interlayer magnetic couplings
in Fe/Pd (001) superlattices: First principle calculations,
Phys. Rev. B 49, 299-309 (1994).
M. Abbate, R. Potze, G. A. Sawatzky, and A. Fujimori,
Band-structure and cluster-model calculations of LaCoO3 in
the low-spin phase,
Phys. Rev. B 49, 7210-7218 (1994).
M. Uhl, L. M. Sandratskii and J. Kübler,
Spin fluctuations in γ-Fe and in Fe3Pt Invar from
local-density-functional calculations,
Phys. Rev. B 50, 291-301 (1994).
A. Cebollada, D. Weller, J. Sticht, G. R. Harp, R. F. C. Farrow,
R. F. Marks, R. Savoy and J. C. Scott,
Enhanced magneto-optical Kerr effect in spontaneously order FePt alloys:
Quantitative agreement between theory and experiment,
Phys. Rev. B 50, 3419-3422 (1994).
G. Demazeau, B. Siberchicot, S. Matar, C. Gayet and A. Largeteau,
A new ferromagnetic oxide La2MnIrO5: synthesis,
characterization and calculation of its electronic structure,
J. Appl. Phys. 75, 8 (1994).
D. Stoeffler, K. Ounadejela, J. Sticht and F. Gautier,
Ab initio study of the interlayer magnetic couplings in Fe/Pd (001)
superlattices and of the polarization induced in Fe and Pd layers,
J. Appl. Phys. 75, 6467-6469 (1994).
J. Kübler, L. M. Sandratskii and M. Uhl,
Magnetic Structures of Itinerant Electron Systems,
J. Appl. Phys. 75, 7033 (1994).
J. Kübler, L. M. Sandratskii and M. Uhl,
Theory for itinerant electrons in noncollinear and incommensurate
structured magnets,
J. Appl. Phys. 76, 6694-6699 (1994).
A. Mavromaras, S. Matar, B. Siberchicot and G. Demazeau,
Investigation of the magnetic structure of
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 134, 34 (1994).
S. Matar, B. Chevalier and J. Etourneau,
Band theoretical investigation within the local density approximation
of the ferromagnetic silicides: UFe10Si2,
UCo10Si2 and YFe10Si2,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 137, 293-304 (1994).
L. M. Sandratskii and J. Kübler,
Inferred physical properties of
UTO2SiO2, (T = Rn, Rh, Pd) from
spin-density functional calculations,
Solid State Commun. 91, 183-186 (1994).
L. M. Sandratskii and J. Kübler,
Magnetism of
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functional calculations,
Phys. Rev. B 50, 9258-9264 (1994).
L. M. Sandratskii, J. Kübler, P. Zahn and I. Mertig,
Electronic structure, magnetic and Fermi-surface properties of
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V. Sliwko, P. Mohn and K. Schwarz,
The electronic and magnetic structures of α- and
J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 6, 6557-6564 (1994).
D. Weller, G. R. Harper, R. F. C. Farrow, A. Carl and J. Sticht,
Magneto-optical spectroscopy as a structural and chemical order
sensitive probe,
SPIE (epitaxial growth Process) 2140, 86 (1994).
A. Pösinger, J. Bogner, W. Steiner, P. Mohn, K. Schwarz, S. Matar, G.
Demazeau, G. Gritzner and K. Bernhard,
High field Mößbauer investigations of FexN
Hyperfine Interactions 94, 2093 (1994).
V. Eyert, K.-H. Höck and P. S. Riseborough,
The electronic structure of La2BaCuO5:
A magnetic insulator,
Europhys. Lett. 31, 385-391 (1995).
J. Bogner, A. Pösinger, M. Reissner, W. Steiner, P. Mohn, K. Schwarz,
S. Matar and G. Demazeau,
High field Mößbauer spectroscopy on Mn-substituted
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 140-144, 117 (1995).
G. Demazeau, J. P. Sanchez, J. H. Choy, S. F. Matar, V. Eyert,
J. Kübler and F. Okino,
(0 < x < 0.3), a ferromagnetic material with high
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 140-144, 165-166 (1995).
S. Matar, P. Mohn and G. Demazeau,
Calculated magnetic properties of SrFeO3,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 140-144, 169 (1995).
P. Mohn, P. Blaha and K. Schwarz,
Magnetism in the Heusler alloys: Co2TiSn and
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 140-144, 183 (1995).
M. Uhl, L. M. Sandratskii and J. Kübler,
Noncollinear Spin Fluctuations in Fe3Pt
Invar ,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 140-144, 225 (1995).
E. Hoffmann, P. Entel, K. Schwarz and P. Mohn,
First principles description of magnetovolume instabilities in
intermetallic compounds,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 140-144, 237 (1995).
D. Stoeffler and F. Gautier,
Interlayer magnetic couplings in Co/Ru(0001) superlattices: a theoretical
investigation of the role of stepped interfaces,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 140-144, 529-530 (1995).
S. Matar, B. Chevalier, F. Mirambet and J. Etourneau,
Orbital magnetism in URhSn,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 140-144, 1389-1390 (1995).
L. M. Sandratskii and J. Kübler,
Spin-density functional theory of the magnetism of
UT2Si2 compounds ,
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 140-144, 1397 (1995).
J. Kübler,
Calculated magnetooptical properties of metallic compounds,
J. Phys. Chem. Sol. 56, 1529-1533 (1995).
S. Matar,
The calculated electronic and magnetic properties of
U2T2Sn (T = Fe, Co, Ni),
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 151, 263 (1995).
B. Rellinghaus, J. Kästner, T. Schneider, E. F. Wassermann and
P. Mohn,
Thermodynamic analysis of Fe72Pt28 Invar,
Phys. Rev. B 51, 2983-2993 (1995).
E. E. Fullerton, D. Stoeffler, K. Ounadjela, B. Heinrich, Z. Celinski,
and J. A. C. Bland,
Structure and magnetism of epitaxially strained Pd(001) films on
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V. Eyert, B. Siberchicot and M. Verdaguer,
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M. Uhl and J. Kübler,
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L. M. Sandratskii, M. Uhl and J. Kübler,
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M. Uhl, S. F. Matar and B. Siberchicot,
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J. Bogner, W. Steiner, M, Reissner, P. Mohn, P. Blaha, K. Schwarz,
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K. Prokes, M. Divis, P. Mohn, K. Schwarz, V. Sechovsky, P. Svoboda,
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J. Köhler, L. M. Sandratskii and J. Kübler,
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P. Mohn and E. Supanetz,
Spin ordering in Fe3-xMnxSi Heusler alloys,
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L. M. Sandratskii and J. Kübler,
Conduction Electron States in Gadolinium at Finite Temperatures,
in: Magnetism and Electronic Correlations in Local-Moment Systems:
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edited by M. Donath, P. A. Dowben and W. Nolting (World Scientific, Singapore,
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S. F. Matar, F. Varagniat, B. Chevalier, and J. Etourneau,
Chemical bonding and band magnetism in U2T2Sn
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P. Mohn and S. Matar,
The γ-Fe4N system revisited: an ab initio calculation
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J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 191, 234-240 (1999).
S. Rex, V. Eyert and W. Nolting,
Temperature-dependent quasiparticle bandstructure of ferromagnetic
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V. Eyert, K.-H. Höck, S. Horn, A. Loidl, and P. S. Riseborough,
Electronic structure and magnetic interactions in
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D. Stoeffler,
Spin Structures in Metallic Multilayers: Theoretical Aspects,
in: Magnetische Schichtsysteme in Forschung und Anwendung,
Vorlesungsmanuskripte des 30. IFF-Ferienkurses,
edited by P. H. Dederichs and P. Grünberg (Forschungszentrum Jülich,
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M. Divis, P. Mohn, K. Schwarz, P. Blaha and P. Novak,
Electronic structure and magnetism of itinerant 5f ferromagnets
URhSi and URhGe,
Plenum Publ. Corp., in press.
S. F. Matar,
Local spin density functional investigations of the chemical bonding
and of the magnetism in some uranium ternary intermetallic systems:
how physics and chemistry can meet in the solid state,
Int. J. Quant. Chem. 77, 911-926 (2000),
Special Issue: Electronic Structure of Materials,
edited by M. Defranceschi.
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